Kaid Benfield's Blog: Streets as Places

Victor Dover's recent work on street design has been featured on Kaid Benfield's NRDC Blog. In a post about nurturing and strengthening the urban commons, Kaid writes:

The best streets, Victor argues, require beauty, visual decorum, and a sense of completeness that “comes in large part from the dignity of street-oriented architecture and urbanism, not from signs and reflective stripes.”

Read Kaid Benfield's Blog Post

Pre-Order Victor Dover & John Massengale's upcoming book:Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns

Plans for Veteran's Drive Move Forward

Dover, Kohl and Partners and Jaredian Design Group will present plans for the Veteran's Drive Waterfront Safety and Beautification Project in Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas on July 16th at 5:30pm at the Grand Hotel Galleria . This meeting has been spearheaded by the Government of the Virgin Islands and Department of Public Works, in partnership with the St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Revitalization, Inc. The work is a continuation of The Town's Blueprint planning effort, a vision for preservation and revitalization of the historic town established by the community through a charrette planning process led by the Dover, Kohl & Partners team.

Learn more about The Town's Blueprint

Seven50 Summit - The Future in Focus

Summit 3 "The Future in Focus" was held June 19-21 at the West Palm Beach Convention Center and included 500+ participants. The Summit was a major event for the Seven50 Regional Prosperity Plan for Southeast Florida headed by Dover, Kohl & Partners working with Duany, Plater-Zyberk; HDR Engineering; Rutgers University, Cardno Entrix and others. Marcela Camblor-Cutsaimanis moderated the discussion panels which included regional leaders in agriculture, ports and airports, social equity and opportunity, and education. Victor Dover presented possible headlines from the future, the many online tools available at the project website, and next steps for the process.

Join the conversation at www.seven50.org & @seven50plan.

Seven50 Workgroup Workshop Engages Region

On April 10 over one hundred people attended a hands-on workshop to create the Seven50 Regional Prosperity Plan and many more attended online. Workgroups met in four locations: Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and Fort Pierce and began drafting the seven-county, fifty-plus year plan for Southeast Florida. Work on the plan will continue and be presented at the next regional summit June 19 – 21. The third regional summit in June will provide another opportunity for work groups and the general public to weigh in on the future of the region.

For more information visit seven50.org

Jean Lafitte Plan Unanimously Adopted


The Jean Lafitte Tomorrow Town Resilience Plan was adopted unanimously by the Jean Lafitte town council Wednesday. Mayor Kerner noted that the plan has already played a key role in getting Jean Lafitte's levee proposal added to the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority's 2012 Coastal Master Plan. Additionally, the plan has helped secure funding for a Nature Center and has informed the design of Rosethorn Park and a new vacation cabin neighborhood on the California Co Canal which is now under construction. The plan furthers the discussion in the town (and in the state) on "water in place" water management strategies and use of more multi-modal approaches when investing in transportation.

Learn more about the Town of Jean Lafitte

Download the full Report

Dover-Kohl Comprehensive Plan and Regional Plan Projects Featured in National Charrette Institute (NCI) Webinar

Innovative Public Involvement Techniques for Comprehensive and Regional Planning: Lessons from Every Scale features Dover, Kohl and Partners; Frank Saxton, formerly of the Northshore Community Foundation; Carlos Gallinar, City of El Paso; and Marcela Camblor, Seven50 Project Director. The live webinar will be presented on January 30, 2:30 PM EST.

The session will compare and contrast the stories of three very different sized projects: The Comprehensive Plan for Hammond, Louisiana (pop. 20,000); Plan El Paso the Comprehensive Plan for El Paso, Texas (pop. 800,000); and Seven50, the Southeast Florida Prosperity Plan funded by the US Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities (seven counties, pop. 6 million). Hear how online participation, in-person meetings, local charrettes and regional summits were combined in different ways for maximum public participation.

Learn more about the NCI webinar

Seven50 Summit, "A Look Ahead: Trends and Opportunities"

There's still time to sign up for the Seven50 Summit this Thursday, January 24 in Miami-Dade College Wolfson Campus. Co-hosted by Victor Dover, this Second Summit will focus on looking ahead. Speakers will include Andrés Duany of DPZ, as well as political and cultural leaders from Southeast Florida’s seven counties who will discuss a broad variety of key topics facing the region in the century ahead, including adapting to climate change, improving higher education, creating a balanced transportation system, and staying economically competitive in a changing global market.


CNU-Florida 2013 Statewide Meeting

The CNU-Florida Statewide Meeting is being held this year in conjunction with the Second Seven50 Summit, January 24-25 in Miami, FL. New Urbanists are offered a unique opportunity to attend both events in one trip. Start by attending the Seven50 Summit in downtown Miami on Thursday, January 24, and then ride the Metrorail to the University of Miami to reconvene and continue the conversation at the CNU-Florida statewide meeting. A "Lightning Round" will kick off the statewide meeting Thursday evening, where participants from across the state will share ideas in short, fun, fast-paced presentations. Sessions continue Friday, January 25, covering topics from regional planning efforts to local implementation strategies.
