Downtown Richmond Master Plan


Downtown Richmond is shaped by countless forces that have produced an extraordinarily historic, physically stunning city.  However, much of the recent development activity has occurred in the outlying counties and suburbs, draining capital away from the heart of the city.  The City of Richmond hired Dover, Kohl & Partners to create a plan to recapture development potential and channel it into the historic center, thus legitimating its title as "Virginia’s Downtown."  Dover-Kohl teamed with Hall Planning and Engineering, Rhodeside & Harwell, Urban Advantage, ZHA, Inc, and Zimmerman/Volk Associates to create the Plan.

Over 800 citizens and stakeholders joined Dover-Kohl and a team of experts in discussing housing, transportation planning, parks, and economic development in a seven-day charrette.  The resulting Master Plan reflects the range of community brainstorming and design input, which will ultimately guide growth and ensure quality development.

The Master Plan was unanimously approved by the City Council in October 2008.  In March 2009, the Plan was awarded the Outstanding Plan Award from the American Planning Association, Virginia Chapter.