Dover, Kohl and Partners received Mizner Award in the Urban Design category

This past weekend Dover, Kohl and Partners had the pleasure of attending the Sixth Annual Addison Mizner Awards held at the Colony Hotel in Palm Beach. At the ceremony, principals James Dougherty and Joseph Kohl were honored to receive a Mizner Award in the Urban Design category for South Main in Buena Vista, Colorado.

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The South Main plan seeks to fulfill the founding developers Jed and Katie Selby’s dream of permanently and beautifully extending the Town of Buena Vista’s public access to the Arkansas River. The plan was formulated during a week-long design charrette, where local residents, town leaders, the developers, and the design team worked to form design concepts. Key ideas that were incorporated into the plan include maintaining public access to the river, creating a high-quality riverfront space, establishing visual and physical connections with Main Street and downtown Buena Vista, and creating a walkable environment through a mixture of uses and network of pedestrian connections.

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Today, South Main’s Riverfront Square is surrounded by mixed-use buildings and provides a gathering space for residents and visitors. Neighborhood streets are oriented to frame views to the mountains and riverfront. The developers have delivered on key principles established by residents during the charrette: maintaining public access to the river; creating a high-quality riverfront space; establishing visual and physical connections with Main Street and downtown Buena Vista including a dramatic view of the historic courthouse cupola with background mountains; and creating a walkable neighborhood through a mixture of uses, network of pedestrian connections, and human-scale streets.

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A Dover, Kohl and Partners team member, Adam Bonosky, was recipient in the Emerging Classicist category for his Master of Urban Design Project, Guadalupe Hirian; A New Town for Hondarribia. Situated in northern Spain, historic Hondarribia is located across the Bidasoa River from France and is host to a now defunct hilltop fort. The design incorporates methods of traditional urban design and architecture as exemplified by Camillo Sitte and Leon Krier to develop a new settlement in the tradition of hilltop towns. The plan is designed to be flexible and accommodate a variety of development patterns utilizing a series of building types that were designed based on a study of existing vernacular buildings in Hondarribia. A variety of public spaces are formed by public and private buildings, granting a mix of experiences for visitors and residents. 

Adam Bonosky. Hondarribia, Spain

Adam Bonosky. Hondarribia, Spain

The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art Florida Chapter founded the Addison Mizner Awards program in 2012 to celebrate new work in the classical design tradition. The awards program celebrates the achievement of the finest practitioners in the fields of Architecture, Interior Design Landscape architecture, Urbanism as well as Craftsmanship and Construction.


The awards are named for Addison Mizner, the architect whose civic and domestic works defined the standards of excellence in composition and craftsmanship for classical and traditional design in the early years of urban development in Florida. Addison Mizner’s introduction of the Spanish Colonial and Mediterranean style left an indelible mark on the architecture and urban cultural history of Florida and, to this day, delights those who visit his buildings and urban places.

Thanks go out to the Florida ICAA, the Addison Mizner Award Committee, and the members of the jury for their time in organizing this wonderful event.

Dover-Kohl Earns Silver Designation as a Bicycle Friendly Business

Dover, Kohl & Partners is now a League of American Bicyclists recognized Silver Level Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB)! 
Dover-Kohl joins a cutting-edge group of nearly 1,350 local businesses, government agencies, and Fortune 500 companies across the United States that are transforming the American workplace.
“As we celebrate National Bike Month and Bike to Work Week, the League of American Bicyclists is excited to recognize a new class of businesses that are making their communities safer, happier, healthier, and more sustainable through bicycling,” said Amelia Neptune, Director of the Bicycle Friendly America program. “We applaud this new round of Bicycle Friendly Businesses, including Dover, Kohl & Partners, for leading the charge in creating a more bicycle-friendly America for everyone.”

Learn more about the League’s Bicycle Friendly Business program

Bicycle Friendly Business is a Service Mark of the League of American Bicyclists; used with permission. 

Plan NoBe Wins CNU Charter Award of Excellence

On Friday May 5, The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) announced the sixteen winners of its annual Charter Awards, given for excellence in architectural, landscape, urban, and regional design that helps build more equitable, sustainable, connected, healthy, and prosperous communities.

Among the winners was Dover Kohl & Partners for Plan NoBe, a multifaceted approach to the North Beach neighborhood’s needs for historic preservation, pedestrian-oriented design, preservation of workforce housing, and answers to rising sea levels.

In late 2016, as a direct result of the 1,100-acre plan, more than 300 historic structures— including stellar examples of the “Miami Modern” style built between 1930 and 1960—were protected through the creation of three historic districts. More than 5,000 units of workforce housing, threatened with demolition, were also saved as part of that effort. The plan also addressed public space and walkability, which had been a challenge in the community.

Plan NoBe also sets the stage for higher construction standards to withstand sea-level rise—while strengthening defenses like sea walls, mangrove islands, and barrier beaches.

One key to success of the plan was strong public engagement. “Having worked in government for over 25 years, it was incredible to witness the level of public involvement in the Plan NoBe effort,” says Jeffrey Orvis, Miami Beach Director of Economic Development.

“The Master Plan is a visionary and an aspirational statement,” says Philip Levine, Mayor of Miami Beach. “I am excited for this incredible vision.”

CNU recognized a total of sixteen professional and student design projects across the United States and in Mexico, Spain, and South Africa. The awards were announced at a ceremony culminating CNU’s annual Congress, a 4-day event that brings together as many as 2,000 people to discuss, debate, engage, and advance the principals of New Urbanism.

Regarded as the preeminent award for excellence in urban design, the CNU Charter Awards have honored a select number of winners and honorable mentions since 2002.

Learn more about Plan NoBe

Learn more about the CNU Charter Awards

Dover-Kohl presents at International Conference in Budapest

James Dougherty, Dover-Kohl Principal and Director of Design, presented a keynote address on Tuesday, April 11 at the international conference: The Art of Drawing and Form. The conference was hosted by The Department of Graphics, Form and Design of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). The topic of James’ keynote was: Architectural Design Techniques of Urban Buildings in the Belle Époque.

Learn More About the Conference


North Beach Master Plan Unanimously Approved

The North Beach Master Plan was unanimously approved by the Miami Beach City Commission on Wednesday, October 19. Mayor Philip Levine said "It's North Beach's time. It's exciting to see the community come together in a positive way." The plan has been in the making for the past year and involved more than 1,000 interested residents and stakeholders during an intensive open planning process, including property owners, neighbors, merchants, developers, environmental specialists, historic preservationists and community leaders.

Plan NoBe provides the basis for public policy in the North Beach area of the City of Miami Beach regarding physical development. Plan NoBe establishes priorities for public-sector action while simultaneously providing direction for complementary private-sector decisions. The Plan and its guidelines serve as a tool to evaluate new development proposals, direct capital improvements, and to guide public policy in a manner that ensures North Beach continues to be the community that its residents want it to be. The Plan contains illustrative plans, diagrams, maps, and pictures to make concepts clear and accessible to City officials, residents, developers, community groups, and other stakeholders.


Read more from The Real Deal

Dover-Kohl Projects Win Charter Awards

Two Dover-Kohl projects were recognized with awards by the Congress for the New Urbanism last week at CNU 24 in Detroit:

South Main in Buena Vista, Colorado won a Charter Award for the Neighborhood, District, and Corridor. South Main is a town extension that reconnects the small town of Buena Vista to the Arkansas River. The growing neighborhood maintains public access to the river, creates a high-quality riverfront space, establishes visual and physical connections with Main Street and downtown Buena Vista, and creates a walkable environment through a mixture of uses and a network of pedestrian connections.

Seven50: Southeast Florida Prosperity Plan won a Merit Award for the Region, City, and Town. Seven50 ("seven counties, 50 years") is a blueprint for growing a more prosperous and resilient Southeast Florida during the next 50 years and beyond. The plan works to encourage socially inclusive communities, a vibrant and robust economy, and careful stewardship of the fragile Southeast Florida ecosystem as it quickly becomes one of the world’s most important mega-regions.

Learn more about this year's Charter Award winners

Comprehensive Plan process Kicks-off in Laredo, Texas

Dover, Kohl & Partners is co-leading a team to produce the Comprehensive Plan for Laredo, Texas. A series of workshops, townhalls, and charrettes have been scheduled over the next few months to gather public input through a hands-on, collaborative process that will result in a better plan that reflects the concerns of the citizens of Laredo.

To learn more about the project, including a preliminary schedule of events, visit

Victor's talk on "The Streets of Livable Cities" and the future growth of Venice

In January, Victor Dover helped kick off the 2016 Speakers Series presented by the Venice Museum & Archives: “Design for Living; John Nolen and the Renaissance of New Urbanism." His talk on “The Streets of Livable Cities” served to further discussions among community members about the future growth of Venice, FL.

His talk and these discussions are further explored in a recent article by News Editor Greg Giles in the Venice Gondolier Sun. 

Introducing the New

We're very excited to announce the launch of our redesigned website! We've rebuilt our entire site from the ground up to better highlight all the innovative work we've had the privilege to be involved in over the past 28 years.

We've also added an exciting new resource: Under #This tab, there is now a growing and searchable database of Street of the Day photos and locations from around the world. #StreetoftheDay helps provoke conversation about the essential ingredients of street designs that captivate our imaginations, boost property value, and embody civic life. Explore today to find useful precedents, and pan around in 360° Street View.