Cata — Dover, Kohl & Partners

CATA Bus Rapid Transit EA


The Michigan Avenue/Grand River Avenue corridor, known as "Michigan’s Main Street", traverses Lansing, Lansing Township, East Lansing, and Meridian Township, and connects major employment destinations and institutions such as the State Capitol Complex, Michigan State University and Sparrow Hospital. Existing Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA) bus service on the corridor is heavily used; some buses are over capacity at peak hour, and trends show transit ridership is increasing. With the corridor’s anticipated continued growth (including more housing and employment destinations), improved transit options are needed. Beginning in 2009, a vision has gradually emerged for a state-of-the-art Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line on the corridor. Following an Alternatives Analysis conducted from 2009-2011 , CATA initiated an Environmental Assessment (EA) in 2013. Dover, Kohl & Partners, as a member of the EA consultant team, led a series of meetings to engage the public so that community input could be used to shape and inform the proposed street design.