Mission Trail Comprehensive Master Plan


In 2018, El Paso County’s Economic Development Department commissioned Dover, Kohl & Partners to draft the region’s Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines. The team included Gallinar Planning and Development, Daedalus Advisory Services, and Hall Planning and Engineering. The planning process involved over 800 participants. The Mission Valley Comprehensive Master Plan was unanimously adopted in 2019 and includes a detailed plan for economic development, tourism development, climate resilience, and, ultimately, UNESCO World Heritage site designation.  

El Paso’s Mission Valley includes three frontier missions situated along the Rio Grande River basin on the US-Mexico border. The complexes were built in the early eighteenth century to colonize, evangelize, and defend the northern frontier of New Spain. The missions are connected to the farmlands, cattle grounds, residences, churches, workshops, and water distribution systems that surround them. The plan seeks to protect and enhance this valued region.


Awarded the Addison Mizner Medal

Category: Research and Documentation

Mission Trail Comprehensive Master Plan cover.jpg

Below: Infill Housing in a Courtyard

Below: Alameda Avenue

Below: An examples of Infill Opportunities for Housing