Ludlam Trail - 6.2 Mile Linear Park & Bikeway


DKP along with the Friends of the Ludlam Trail is advocating for the creation of a 6.2 mile linear park and bikeway along the former Florida East Coast railroad corridor known as the Ludlam Trail.

This space presents a unique opportunity to create a world class recreational area. It could  become Miami's equivalent of New York's High Line, providing a greenway connecting many neighborhoods from the Airport to South Miami.  

If preserved as a green space, this 75 acre swath of land would be in the top tier of the largest trails in the country. It would provide much needed green space for local residents and to the city as a whole, create a safe route to school and work and could draw in local, national and international visitors alike.

Support the Ludlam Trail! 

For more info, please click here 

Check out the video to see portions of the trail for yourself!